5 Must-Know Techniques for Position Sizing in Stock Trading


Did you ever struggle to decide on one stock you are absolutely confident about, only to see how its price drops and affects your whole investment basket?

Well, this happened to almost everybody! But what if I told you there’s a way to do it smarter while still protecting your funds no matter what? This effective strategy, known as position sizing, is more straightforward than it appears!

It is not about making a huge profit every time but choosing where to enter the market to stop losses and increase gains. Just imagine how comfortable it is to know a number—a particular value of money—and be okay with losing as you enter the market.

Doesn’t this sound amazing? Here, I present five easy ways to simplify position sizing and improve your investing skills!

Know Techniques for Position Sizing in Stock Trading

What is Position Sizing in Stock Trading?

This strategy in stock trading is a lot like deciding how much fuel to fill your car with for a journey. It is the process of determining the number of shares to purchase or sell during a trade.

In simpler terms, how much of your money do you want to risk on a one-time basis? This is important because it allows you to cap approximately how much you could lose if things go south since you want to ensure you don’t put all your money at risk. 

That’s because it’s a meaningful way to ensure you make an intelligent trade that’ll maintain you in the game by guaranteeing that you intend risk and reward.

The Importance of Strategic Position-Sizing Techniques

While exciting, the stock market needs proper risk management to carry risks. Hence, learning position sizing is crucial for minimizing potential losses, enhancing discipline, improving the risk-reward balance, and better-managing investments.

You can be sure of the risk and prevent a single bet from bringing down the entire account, and it will create an emotional imbalance. It ensures you trade with a clear strategy without emotion and focus on the future.

It will also dictate whether the risk and return on the prize money are profitable for each portion.

5 Must-Know Techniques to Master Stock Market Position Sizing 

Now, let’s learn the practical application of this strategy. Here are five powerful techniques to manage your risk effectively:

1.Fixed Percentage of Account Risk

This beginner-friendly method is relatively straightforward – it is about consistency. You allocate a specific percentage of your portfolio, typically 1-2%, to each trade.

This method ensures that you do not risk too much on one trade; therefore, it is more about trading discipline than risk reduction since the amount of loss is directly tied to the percentage of the capital.

2.Stop-Loss Based Sizing

The main idea of this technique is to place the quantity based on the stop loss. The stop-loss level is where a currency pair should reach so that you can exit the trade automatically.

The close stop-loss level means risking a lot of capital and vice versa. The stop-loss level decreases the potential loss and increases the trading size when the possible loss is low.

3.Volatility-Based Sizing

In this instance, you consider the historical price swings or volatility of a stock. You would take a smaller position size for stocks known for their rapid shifts owing to the increased liability.

On the other hand, for “quieter” stocks with previous milder price fluctuations, you position a higher stance, thus enabling you to accrue increased gains.

4.Kelly Criterion

This is the approach of the math whiz. This complicated mathematical formula considers your win rate, average win/loss ratio, and account size to determine how prominent your position should be in every trade.

As powerful as this is, it necessitates a thorough understanding of statistics and risk tolerance. We urge you to work through more straightforward methods first and to do this only after gaining more experience and belief in your success.

Know Techniques for Position Sizing in Stock Trading

5.The Kelly Criterion Variation

This simplified version of the Kelly Criterion makes it ideal for novices. You would continue to utilize a particular portion of your winnings from profitable trades to boost your trading size in the future.

The idea is to gain additional exposure as soon as possible and, at the same time, shield your capital.


Position sizing is an incredible, though underappreciated skill. Practice makes perfect. Begin with modest first steps, try some techniques, and eventually discover what fits your risk tolerance and trading style.

Importantly, remember that a situation-specific financial advisor could be highly beneficial to you and your objectives. Following the above instructions will prevent the discipline of position sizing and ensure you can approach the market with a clear head.

Therefore, you have total command over your trading destiny. Follow the recommended idea, and let your portfolio roar!